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Choosing the right truck: EV vs Gas vs Hybrid Trucks

Choosing the right truck: EV vs Gas vs Hybrid Trucks

After SUVs, pickup trucks take a close second place as the most popular vehicle among consumers. A pickup truck has many capabilities. You can use your truck for weekend off-roading, as a reliable workhorse during the week, or employ it to tow heavy objects like boats and caravans on weekend getaways. 


Combustion engines will inevitably become a distant memory. Like the horse buggies that vanished in the early 1900s when cars were invented, so will the gas pickup truck. Continue reading our comparison review of EV vs gas vs hybrid trucks and discover some interesting facts you perhaps did not know!


Gas Trucks



You can never place fuel economy and a pickup truck in the same sentence. Pickup trucks are gas guzzlers and big culprits for gas emissions. Since everyone is counting their dollars more closely due to the harsh economic times we live in,  more truck drivers may be convinced to consider buying hybrids or EVs if we delve deeper into the high costs of gas.


It will cost you approximately $175 to fill up a truck with an 83-litre tank in Canada. If you need to fill up your truck once a month, it would be around $2,100 per year. That excludes maintenance costs like oil changes, filter changes, and tune-ups. Canadians pay on average $1,500 per 20,000 kilometres on vehicle maintenance costs. Depending on how much you use your truck, this could add to significant financial expenses per year.


Hybrid Trucks



Hybrid trucks are powered by electricity and gas. These vehicles use significantly less gas as these vehicles are designed to run on electricity. The gas engine is designed only to kick in if the electric power runs out. On average, you can save $2,500 on gas costs within the first five years. Some hybrid trucks also have more driving range than their gas counterparts. 


EV Trucks



It may be an interesting EV truck comparison to highlight that EVs have only one moving part, the electric motor’s shaft. An EV truck is, therefore, more reliable and requires less maintenance. State-of-the-art lead-acid batteries in EVs are maintenance-free as they are sealed. Most EV trucks have a driving range of 200 km to 400 km. This year, in February, it cost Saskatchewan residents $2.85 to charge their EVs per 100 km. Considerably less than paying for gas!


Book a Test Drive!



We trust that we’ve been able to sway your mind a bit towards investing in a hybrid or an EV truck. Hybrids and EVs are the future and many people are starting to see the advantages of these trucks. You can test drive a hybrid or EV truck today and experience all the advantages and features of what these great trucks offer first hand. Contact an EV trucks Regina retailer and test drive an electric truck today!


Categories: Electric Vehicles, Ford EVs, Vehicle Comparison